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Friday, September 25, 2009

Move House in Korea


I saw this when I visited my friend's apartment!
I always feel so surprised to see the move-house car - especially move things from so, so, so high apartments and buildings. I never see this in my country before as we seldom live in apartment but one-storey or two-storey houses, but now change a lot.

I like the  moving house facility at Korea. They are very helpful and give those who move house convenience. In Malaysia, we have to find our own moving truck or car. There is no such service that we can call up to move all the things in our house to a new house, even include cleaning and arranging.

This kind of facility depends on how much you can afford. If you have kids, it is advisable to include the service of cleaning and arranging.

Before you move house, first, find and research for a reliable moving house service.

Second, call them and ask for their advice - they will see which size of car depend on your moving stuff). They will come to have a look most probably. If confirm, tell them the exact time you would like to move house.

Third, arrange the personal things that you can do by yourself asap. For the kitchen stuff, you can leave them to the  ajumma (normally the cleaner is a lady). Normally they will provide boxes to put your stuff (not paper type but plastic type that can put a lot of stuff)

Forth, do not forget the things you need to uninstall or cut off the services like internet service and tv service. Jot down the date you move house so that you will know the gas and water fee you need to pay later on. Settle it either with the new rentee or the owner. Things like air-con should be uninstalled earlier too.

Fifth, not every thing you may move out. The things you want to throw away especially those are big-size, put outside your house 3 days before, if nobody take it away, you have to settle it with the local office and pay a little bit amount for them to move your things away. If you live in apartments, there is a recyclable place that you have to place it at.
** that's we get advantage when somebody move house, you can take anything you like when they throw away.

Sixth, it is better to move house in the morning because you can finish earlier before noon or in the afternoon. Then you can at least sleep with some arrangement of the bed. Do not try to finish all the arrangements in one day only. Give yourself a good rest for the first day of  moving.
Think of the layout of the house and arrangement of your furniture before you move in. It will bring the mover a good idea that how they can put your things in.

Seventh, small house move to big house is easy. How about if you move in to a smaller house? Throw away the things you do not need! So, do not buy too much furniture!

Eighth, do not forget the rubbish bag. Different area has different bag.

Hope this can give you a good idea of moving house in Korea. :)


tsueyhwa said...

Seems like moving house in Korea is more convenient than in M'sia. :p The thing i get more interested in is there is different rubbish bag in different area huh? Do they hav their own design bag? Y like dat?

meimeijoyful said...

yes, different rubbish bag in different area, different color only. :) easy to be distinguished by the rubbish company, I think.

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