The department stores here always have the international food stalls that you can taste various types of food, like Japanese food, Chinese food, Mexican, American and Vietnamese food. Malaysian/Thai/Indonesian food can be found too.
Thus, I decided to try nasi goreng (fried rice) and mee goreng (fried mee) at this Sinsaegae near to Namdaemun market.
The price range is from 6,000 won to 8,000 won. The portion is normal size as shown below.
Order process:
1) provide the name of the food to the counter
2) order it with quantity
3) pay it before eating
4) find a seat
5) water is self service
6) they will call you / serve it to you when it is ready
7) ask for the chili (cili padi)
8) kim chi is served too
9) after finish the meal, take back to the counter to make sure the next customer have a seat
Wow! D nasi n mee goreng r not cheap eh!! Same amount paid in Korea can eat 4-5 plates in Malaysia (if my calculation is correct). Hai~! Homesick is costly. D nasi goreng seems very yummy. ONly looks a bit sticky mayb becoz of d rice they used is different. D mee goreng looks like Keow taoy leh. But did u eat d raw bean sprout? Hmm..U can finish d nasi goreng n mee goreng alone? U muz b very hungry..haha
the food here is very expensive.
Anyway,I don't always crave for it, only sometimes.
I didn't eat alone, but with Yu Jin.
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